Rye Lake Campus Middle School graduates encouraged to remember life lessons learned

Seven students move up to high school in moving ceremony

principal and graduate poseSeven students were recognized for their academic achievement and personal growth at the Rye Lake Campus Middle School moving up ceremony.

Family members gathered alongside educators and SWBOCES officials as students turned their tassels and accepted certificates and awards as well as the accolades of those who’ve cheered them on throughout their time on campus.

Principal Eric Ford encouraged the graduates to step out of their comfort zones as they move forward in their education, to dream big, accomplish their goals and believe in themselves.

“To the Class of 2024, I want to congratulate each and every one of you for your personal growth and hard work to get you to where you are today,” Mr. Ford said.

Social Worker Nicolette Carriero presented awards to several of the graduates for distinguishing themselves by their conduct as students. They have been brave, smart, inspirational and respectful, Ms. Carriero said.

educators speak at commencement“It has been my unique pleasure to work with each and every one of you,” she said.

Teacher Tiziani DeMasi said her eighth graders learned many lessons together that went beyond the textbooks, life lessons that will serve them well in high school and long after. She implored them to learn to appreciate others in their lives who have contributed to their success and who will make a difference.

“The past year has been a journey, and we made many memories together,” Ms. DeMasi said. “We have spent so much time together, and I have truly had the honor to watch you grow.”

“My wish for you,” she added,” is for high school to be all you want it to be.”

Following the ceremony, students and families took pictures, enjoyed a celebratory cake and hugged loved ones and teachers alike.

The 2024 graduating class of Rye Lake Campus Middle School:

Mynor Arriazza
Jeremy Baez
Niel Beato
Justin Garcia Tzi
Evan La Bar
Aidan Morrison
Osias Peres Monegro
KaJuan Smith