Tappan Hill School

Tappan Hill News

  • Tappan Hill's world travels make a stop in Yemeni, Filipino cultures

    Tappan Hill School students learned about their friends' Asian heritages in the Filipino and Yemeni cultures. Eslam wore traditional Yemeni clothing that consists of a throbe (a long white robe) and a Jumbiya shaped like a dagger with a wide belt. It is a symbol of Yemeni heritage and pride. He also shared Akras which is a traditional Yemeni flatbread. 

    Mirela, meanwhile, brought in Ube Piaya, a delicious Filipino delicacy that combines classic piaya with ube filling. She also brought in sweet and tangy candies made from tamarind pulp and sugar. The staff and students are enjoying learning about different cultures as Tappan Hill "travels around the world."

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  • Tappan Hill's world travels stop in Antarctica

    Tappan Hill School students and staff continue their travels around the world in their studies and classroom activities. Classes last week learned about animals and the weather. We celebrated our week of learning with an Antarctic Dance Party in the gym. Even a penguin joined the party!

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  • Tappan Hill students send Valentines to Mt. Pleasant Police

    Teacher Kristin Cook's class put together Valentine's Day gift bags for the police officers of Mt. Pleasant Police Department. The students choose items to put in the bags and formed an assembly line to package them. 

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Southern Westchester BOCES Center for Special Services
Tappan Hill School
50 Ichabod Lane 10591