Stew Leonard's provides everyday life lessons for Rye Lake Lower Campus students

Community visits by students in AIIM program start with trip to Yonkers store

teacher aide assists student with her tablet in grocery store aisleRye Lake Lower Campus students Malachi, Sebastian and Isabella walked the meandering aisles of Stew Leonards’ supermarket in Yonkers, picking just the right kind of orange juice, Nutella biscuits, and many other grocery items.

Each had to account not only for their individual tastes, but how much they could spend that day. They navigated the store’s signature maze-like layout and practiced courtesy toward other shoppers and attentiveness to the time as their bus waited to return them to campus.

The first of many community trips planned this year for students in Rye Lake's AIIM program was a successful educational endeavor. Closely attended by teachers and aides, outings like this one on a recent Tuesday morning provide lessons in social engagement and skills useful to daily living, from shopping for groceries to navigating unfamiliar public spaces.

“We’re trying to get them to do as much for themselves as possible,” Teacher Aide Tarik Curry, one of four educators on hand for the trip, said.

Teacher Aide Jennifer Scelia assisted Isabella with shopping for whatever she might want. Utilizing a tablet with educational software that displays an interactive grocery list, Isabella was able to locate and check off items as she went.

“We’ve been focusing on communications,” Teacher Lisa Nadile said, “so she can look at what she wants to buy, and she can put it on her device.”

Malachi enthusiastically pushed the shopping cart and investigated many potential purchases. He had his eye out for a toy truck and sought employee assistance when one proved difficult to find. At the checkout, he had more items than his budget allowed. Part of the day’s lesson included choosing what to keep and what to put back.

“It’s important for them to be able to make their way in public, so we go out into the community and do regular things, like shopping,” Teaching Assistant Rita Bongiovi said.

The trip concluded with the group enjoying treats at one of Stew's outdoor picnic table before boarding the bus for the return trip.